Sunday, October 6, 2013

Rest in Peace my Dear Laptop

After half a decade of serving me, the laptop my father gave me finally gave up on me.. And its breaking my heart! I brought it to a technician and he said he couldn't get it fixed... Maybe it has reached its end as well,  yep, nothing lasts forever, if I save its life now.. Sooner or later, it will stop functioning no matter what, its inevitable like everyone does... Hahaha.. Ang O.A ko noh? Its just a machine I know,  but it wasn't really the laptop itself I am sad about, the files stored in it... Is there a way to retrieve them? My back up office files, my most treasured pictures from here and there, my movies, my music, my dramas, my secrets(haha), my diaries... My resignation letters (haha),my  resume....etceteras... I couldn't  afford to lose them, but I think I lost them now.. I haven't  even upload back the pictures that i lost here when multiply shut down. And I can't do anything about it now but to let go of them..

Am I taking it so seriously? Should I not?.. Spare me this drama, this is just my way of comforting myself... Hehe.. Now, I'm letting it go. Rest in peace my beloved diary, my journal, my dearest laptop, keep my secrets safe with you..

Now, i'm just feeling glad that no matter how old school it is, i have this scrapbook of mine in case I wont be able to retrieve the files in my laptop.. ;(


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