Friday, July 15, 2016

Todays' 5 in 1 Blog

Everyday I have a thought of blogging about this , about that.. but I always ended up with nothing... maybe I could do it now, all the things I wish I had blog about.. It's too many so it would be a little of each topic...

So here are the 5 topics I'm supposed to blog about but my idleness outsmarted me... so I'm just in the mood now.

1. I was thinking about blogging about my almost 6 years employment at my previous company. Write about my friends, my enemies???, (haha), the unforgettable moments, my experiences, my headaches, even my heartaches and blah blah... but I guess 6 years would be too long... so I'll sum it up in saying my 6 years in that  company is a bittersweet momentous that had molded me into someone better.. During my stay I have said about my regrets (that what if I just went to abroad where I will be earning more)... and though I still feel a bit of that resentment up to now and at some corner of my self there hides this "what if"..  I'm comforting myself not to think about too much...

2. Since I quit my job as Cost Engineer/ Quantity Surveyor... I thought about blogging of my dream job... I've said it many times that I wanna be a travel blogger...or I wanna be a writer, I want to write stories... maybe write about my dreams, if I can't make things real then maybe I could put them into tales..

I wanna be a  fruit picker too.. (oo nga! Pero dapat sa New Zealand, haha.. or basta imported yung pipitasin kong fruits)...I would worry less, I'll be seeing more of the sun, more of the God's beautiful creation..

And my childhood ambition, to become a teacher, I lost that dream long time ago when I entered highschool. But now I'm loving it again...

3. Have you heard of Korean series Descendants of the Sun? I've been so inlove with it. I might be loveless nowadays but its as if I'm not because of it. I know the story was so good to be true or likely to exist in reality but watching it made me feel alive. Haha... But now, I've reached its end.. but I still want to watch the Tagalog dubbed version.... excited!

4. Almost 2 months of being jobless but still I'm not that bored yet even I stay mostly at home or went out just to eat with my mom.. Had a lot of bonding with her (kain lang ng kain)... I haven't even had a met up with my old friends here (konti na lang sila!)....

Also, there are 3 newly born kittens here at home that make me so gigil all the time... but I have to control myself not to touch it a lot since I'm carrying my niece a lot too...

5. Just read somewhere that if you don't know what could make you happy then try helping others... Who wouldn't feel better when you made someone happy because of you diba? So do not be so selfish.. do n't think that because you aren't happy with your life then you should let others feel that way too.. maybe you could send gift to less fortunates.. yung mga ganon.. so, send me gifts! Haha.....just kidding,  I am someone who doesn't demand on anything , to buy me this and that.. if I want something, I'll get it with myself... (buti na lang di ako materialistic or else baka maghirap ako haha) pero kung makulit ka  to buy me a gift.. then send me ticket somewhere! It will make me absolutely happy! Haha...

Good night!

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