Saturday, September 9, 2017

I pray for Rohingya

Yes, my heart's bleeding for the Rohingyan Muslims being killed by Buddist in Burma and how in the world some doesn't care about this... ? I mean only the Muslims do... the feeds in my FB account flooded with post from Muslim people at different countries... and the rest seems haven't heard of it...

These helpless people are being killed brutally that I prayed the videos & pictures are only   edited/exaggerated/phototoshopped because the killing procedure is beyond imagination, worst than the horrifying movies we've watched...

This is so inhumane, those killers must be possessed by  evil,.. and if only I have the power to eradicate them, then I would..

Right now, I couldn't do anything but feel my heart breaks.. And Pray to the Almighty to Save these innocent people... if everything happens for a reason, then this cruelty, I really dont know why... So please, Yah Allah, hear us.. Save them please

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