Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Inevitable

The inevitable is now embracing me,
It's breaking me and tearing me to pieces
It's painful than my broken hearts.. 
Coz this inevitable might take away my true and  first love
I know this will happen, to everyone it will, some experienced it too early
But for my case, I'm not ready, I feel like I'll be paralyzed too.
All I can do now is pray, not to take it away so soon, not to take it so harsh
I know I don't deserve to make wishes be granted, but whoever this I am praying for deserves to be well, or at least to be not in pain. Oh, God, please don't break me too soon. I know You have purpose whether I'm ready or not. Make me strong. Make him strong. Forgive me for questioning. Forgive me for being so weak. Cut my other wishes, all I need is this prayer. My eyes have been dried. I was trying to keep it myself that I'm hurting real bad, but it's too painful to cover it with smiles. PLEASE. NOT TOO SOON. NOT TOO HARSH.

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