Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Solo Travel Photos Challenge

Without the current pandemic,  this season could have been best for us to pack our bags and travel. But we just can't,  the best place now to stay is our HOME and the least we can do is to reminisce the past :).

In order for me to keep my mind productive , I decided to create this Travel photos challenge. This way,  I could avoid whining about our current status and remind my self that sometime long ago,  I've been out of my comfort zone. 

I'll choose 30 solo travel pictures and I'll describe or just say anything about it in just 3 sentences, to avoid myself from so much blah blah blah..  Haha..  But I'm good at compound complex sentence too. Haha

So here are my life travel snapshots:

There is something about Train stations that  made me  love it so much. Not just because Trains bring us to different destinations. It's the only mode of transportation that won't let me feel worried if I get lost, board the wrong train or alight at wrong station, just carefree!   --- Kuala Lumpur,  Malaysia December 2014.  

I remember the time I experienced riding a taxi  from this spot where the driver seemed to hate the world.  For a bit moment,  we felt that we're about to face an accident as he drove so fast and had sudden swerves and turns . That was a terrifying road experience but fortunately we had reached our next destination  safe and sound.  ---Macau February 2016


This was my most unplanned trip.  I spent a lot because we had only less than  two weeks preparation including the purchase of airfare tickets not to mention the  flight will fall on a Chinese New Year. I guess I was hypnotized by our impulsive Project Nurse haha,  my travel buddy that time. ---Hongkong February 2016.


When you're a "Probinsyana" who works in Manila for about 6 years,  surely you must have visited this place.  Actually,  I almost not,  and when I got there,  I had only about 4 hours.  My brother, my mom and her friends had a road trip from Mindanao to Luzon,  it was part of their destination,  so I hitched and filed a fake sick leave. -- Baguio, Philippines October 2014

This place is one of my favorite despite how hard for me to step down from those steep stairs of the various temples.  Simplicity, serenity,  cheap foods and accommodations surround the place.  It has an ambiance that makes me want to come back.  ---Siem Reap, Cambodia June 2014.


I always love the rain but not during this time.  It rained for the entire duration of the day trip that we needed to cancel other itineraries.  But it didn't really hurt so much since my RT airfare was just free due to Cebu Pacific delayed flights vouchers. --  Temple of Lea,  Cebu November 2018 


Here,  the distinction between their race and ours is quite fuzzy. People will talk to us in their language,  the funny thing is,  instead of explaining things to them in English,  my mom talked to them in our own local dialect too. Surprisingly,  they understood one another. Haha Jakarta,  Indonesia November 2018


After a tiring hike, we  rested here on our last stop, facing the sea that was once hit by 2004 tsunami, I was fondly watching these monkeys.  This was an all expense paid trip privilege of my brother in his previous job.  Our mom told us,  did you go to that place just to see monkeys when we have lots of monkeys here??  -in Penang, Malaysia March 2013.

I was reading  some blogs on where to escapade just nearby Manila,  so I bumped into this and there we go. The transportation has been rough,  we took a bus,  a jeepney and lastly thru tricycle,  we trudged the bumpy and rough road going to the beach proper. .  What's memorable is the bus ride going home,  it was a non air bus airing loudly some sort of country songs that made me feeling so emo,  like carefree! Haha - Calatagan Batangas, Philippines June 2015.


This was my first time to ask a stranger to take my photo and obviously I looked so  conscious. But despite how awkward my face  here,  deep inside I was so delighted to see the Sakura Trees upclose. It was a dream came true I traded for that jittery feeling I had to face in traveling solo. -- Osaka Japan April 2019

My family had a night accommodation in one of the resorts in GenSan where we were so disappointed on their beach.  The moment the sun came up we decided to leave the place and drove off somewhere.  After about two hour drive,  we reached this pristine beach, it was enchanting that time. --Sarangani , Philippines Dec 2012


Well, I couldn’t say much of this picture aside from I'm so thin here haha. All I could remember is, I traveled here with my brother because he’d never been here . That time,  the place was also covered with thick fog and just had this photo when it cleared out  – Tagaytay, Philippines July 2013


Next to Cherry blossom season,  autumn foliage caught my heart and I'm too gratified  that I pursued that trip I almost cancelled. I'm not that super girly type, but I didn't hesitate trying their traditional dress. In fact, I accidentally brought home the headband, now I'm keeping it as memorabilia. --Seoul, South Korea. November 2019


I didn’t really have a decent picture during our one night stopover in this place. Early in the morning while waiting for our next bus ride, we stroll around the famous streets here, not minding the drizzle.  The red buildings, the mosque adjacent to a church, the historic spots, the ship replica, that Taming Sari tower, and that brunch in MacDonalds I could remember so well.  ----Malacca,  Malaysia December 2014.


Seeing this photo still brings back that guilt I had.  I was travelling with my brother and my mom-- and she was scolding me because I let her walked too far under the heat of the sun searching for the main gate of the Golden Palace. But when we finally found it,  the main attraction was closed due to some event.  --Bangkok Thailand June 2016


By riding a ferry boat from Manila bay, we have reached this historical place that has played an important role during WWII. We were so stunned on how they preserved the Remains of the place and the details of every spots were discussed evidently by our Tour guide. Not only the Ruins and the countless canyons amazed us but also the tranquility  of the place despite the slight creepiness, and the overlooking beautiful sea scenery.- Corregidor Island, Philippines Oct 2014. 

We had a long holiday due to APEC summit, I couldn’t waste my time by just staying home. Boarded the night bus for about 7 hours,  we found ourselves arriving at dawn.  Later that day, we wandered and astonished by  this Spanish inspired street, finally. -- Vigan, Ilocos Sur Philippines November 2015 

I thought I'll be able to witness the frozen remains of the late Ferdinand Marcos just right behind that door. Unfortunately, viewing was temporarily closed due to power black out.  Not our lucky day,  so I wont be able see him as he is already buried now. --Ilocos Norte, Philippines November 2015.

This was my first far away leisure  travel that made me realized that travelling is truly a bliss.  The calms seas, the crystal clear waters, the fine sand, the enchanted river, the beautiful mountain views and that college friends I get to bond.  I can still remember swimming (I can’t swim) with life vest and been bitten by a fish because I keep on stepping on that stone where it lives. – Puerto Princesa Palawan, Philippines Oct 2010


I just loved this photo, don’t you?  Haha I was accompanying a broken hearted friend who took this shot, now I hope she’s fine. I still have to come back here coz I haven’t conquered yet the fear of sky cycling. –Eden Davao, Philippines April 2018 

 This is my shortest international trip that marked my passport within 24 hours only. The scorching kiss of the sun (their hottest season) almost blinded us to appreciate  the wonder of this place or could it be because our very own version is possessed  with equal magical charm or even better. What's unforgettable also is our tour guide whom I got so shocked when he revealed that his age is twice as how physically he looked like. ---Halong Bay,  Vietnam August 2019.

 This was the longest family trip we had. We got lost along the way that we even doubted the GPS. Aside from this beach escapade, we had the memorable road trip ever. Dakak,  Philippines July 2014


Surely, only a few have heard of this charming place. Getting here is about 3 hours express train from the Country's bustling capital.  I will never forget how I got awed by their captivating scenery, the surreal volcano craters, the mountains of tea plantations, the fascinating man-made parks, the geyser, that huge ship resto they call as Pinisi where I sat in this picture, and even the enchanting view you’ll see on the train . ---Bandung Indonesia November 2018


I always love to have a picture holding an umbrella because that means I'm enjoying the rain. But I'm not sure if this is counted or best time to play around sunflowers on a rainy day. I was with my nieces and nephews that time but i just can't let them join me. --Tupi,  South Cotabato Philippines June 2018


Indeed its true, once you see the Great Wall of China, then you’re done with this place. In this picture, I was just resting after trying to climb that highest spot on my back which I failed to. Being tagged as one of the World's Wonder,  what's really impressing but a bit disheartening  too are the stories behind the construction of this wall as narrated by our amiable Guide. Beijing,  China April 2017


 My first out of country is the picture on the left. It may looked like that I went back  here on the right picture because The Merlion was under construction on my first visit, but that wasn’t the main reason. My sister and I were trying to hit two countries at the same time, so that’s why.  Singapore August 2012 / December 2014.

This was our last night in this place after a long and adventurous day. We went to the iconic place where the animated movie Spirited Away was inspired.  In a crowded alley,  I got lost and separated from my group so we didn't have enough time to capture a picture on its most famed spot because we ran out of time looking for each other. ---Taipei,  Taiwan April 2018.


If I had regrets on this trip,  that is because we didn't bring extra clothes for dipping. After a long bus ride, and had a terrifying  experience as our small boat battled against the enraged waves, we had reached this bewitching paradise. We didn't intend to swim as this was just a day trip, but the majestic water was so inviting,  not to mention the  alluring mountains and greenery that surround it.  --- Anawangin Zambales,  Philippines August 2014


This photo was taken during my last few days in Luzon as I've already resigned from my job.  I just asked my friend to accompany me here before I  return to Mindanao.  I'm just so proud that this was constructed by my company that I'm about to leave that time.  Venice Grand Canal,  Philippines May 2016.


Though feeling drop dead tired, obviously on this picture,  I must stick to my tight itinerary. After my more than two hours bullet train  and almost cried locating my hostel,  I headed out to experience crossing the busiest pedestrian lane in the world. Then I got to see statue of Hachico but I did't have the courage to ask anyone to photograph me , so a selfie from afar will do haha-- Shibuya,  Tokyo Japan April 2019

Yay,  finally I'm done.. I know to some who are not really  fan of traveling might think I've been having an itchy feet.  But for those legit  Jet-setters  will think I've been to few so nothing to be proud about. But what matter is how grateful I am and looking forward for more travels after this Pandemic.  The truth is,  I'm such an introvert but it didn't stop me to wander. Ironically,  I both love just being home and being far away.  I haven't overcome my flight fright but that didn't hinder my passion to be somewhere I never been. 

Sometimes I'm a bit resentful that I should have invest sensible material things than travel but everytime I get to see old photos,  suddenly my regrets disappear. If it made me happy,  then that's worth a treasure. Haha

I think I made this post too long that surely I wasted your time.  And if you happened to reach the bottom,  thank you,  you made me feel that I shouldn't stop writing.  You maybe just one or two but it would keep me going.