Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Beautiful Nightmare

"6 am,  I woke up from a beautiful nighmare,
Still in my bed while I'm writing this.

It's been ages since you left without a word,
But I still miss you even when I should not. 

I stopped writing letters that only the wind could read.  I ceased wishing on the stars to get the approval of sharing our different worlds.  I halted talking about you,  even how much I wanted someone to hear our story. I guess,  nobody knows you're still breaking my heart. 

It makes me miss you even more everytime I see you in my dreams. And I'm not even hearing your voice on those.  I only see your eyes staring at me. I felt your presence walking along side but you never spoke a word.  I didn't want to wake up as I was waiting for your unspoken words,  but you never did.  Why do you always have to fade without talking to me?? 

Our story may not be One for the Books,  but it always touched my heart.  It didn't last long,  it actually never ends,  it only fades into nothingness,  but it remains in my heart.

I may not have that story that every girls were blessed with. I may have believed in a fairy tale without the Living Happily Ever After, I may looked fine on the real world, well, I am.  I needed to be fine,  so I am. 

There are just days like these,  mornings of broken heart, waking up from selfish dreams. Remembering you when I thought we are so over.  Some people really have that missing piece,  and for me,  you are the one I missed.  :)

This too shall pass,  as how those days passed me by, without knowing why I have to meet you and cherish you in my memories forever. I don't even know how you felt, do you hate me too sometimes?  I hated you sometimes. 

But it's okay,  6.55am now,  I must face the real world.  I just needed to write my heartaches so I'll be fine..... As always.  "

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