Monday, August 25, 2014

The Unplanned Trip To Anawangin Cove, Zambales

Sometimes when things are unplanned, that's when it's being pursued and surprisingly it will work just fine..

I told my friend few days ago that I just want to escape out of Metro Manila even just for while...  I said anywhere, lets  take a bus, get lost and feel free. We actually had options like Tagaytay, Batangas, Laguna, Enchanted Kingdom....or it doesn't matter where, we could even take a bus going anywhere then go back....

Then she suggested Anawangin Cove, Zambales.. I knew the place is beautiful but its a bit far  from Manila and a day tour might not be possible, that's what I thought.. I had read about the place, I've seen in pictures that its remarkably breathtaking.. I was hesitant because if we'll get stranded there at night, that would mean, we must sleep on a tent (if somebody could provide us), without electricity, without food and water... but we are not  considering to stay overnight.

Loaded with uncertain itinerary, we left my friend's place at past 4am and reached Pasay bus terminal at almost 5am... Bus tickets for 5am schedule were sold out, so we even thought of taking a bus going to Baguio but we've decided to stick on Zambales... So we were left with no choice but to stand on the middle of the bus for about 1 hour!!! But we made it, and took our seat when some passengers went down at Pampanga.

We reached San Antonio, Zambales at 10am, we took a tricycle going to Pundaquit. Glad the driver knew someone whom we could rent a boat.. since we didn't pack foods,  we ate first at one of the beach resort at Pundaquit (forgot the name).

We were a bit dismayed with the weather at that moment, the sky was gloomy, sometimes it would rain too.. 11:30am when we're done eating and headed to our rented boat.

Yes, I wasn't prepared, who's going to a beach wearing maong jeans? haha... we didn't actually think of swimming..

On board. Though the sea isn't that calm (could make us scream a little when big waves would hit our boat), it didn't steal my time to appreciate this scenery.

About 45 minutes, we reached Anawangin Cove proper. It's truly beautiful but the surrounding is a little not well maintained nor developed... but the water is crystal clear.. its so inviting but as I've told you, swimming isn't even part of the plan... the mountain and the forest from behind is so majestic.

and we couldn't do anything but to take pictures and more pictures....

We stayed there for more than an hour only.. When we head back to the mainland in the afternoon, the sky got much bluer,  the sea went serene and calm.

We took a bus going back to Olongapo at 3pm..  and we reached Olangapo terminal at past 4pm, we took another bus going to Pasay.

We were drop dead tired when we reached Ayala Makati at past 9pm.

But we had a great time! It feels good to know that things work just right too even not well planned sometimes....

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