Monday, March 9, 2015

Lonely Monday??

Done eating my breakfast, I prepared this myself since the utility men were nowhere to be found, and I don't wanna depend on them for preparing my breakfast...  I came in early on my usual daily arrival at office,  most of my officemates we're not around yet ... Mac and Jardine were surprised too  that I'm an early bird today..

Anyway this could be a lonely Monday... The Monday sickness is still on.. This is also the first day Lee won't be around... who would be the source of my laughter starting this day?? You know, he' kinda clown to me.. Hehe... Got to start working now.

I'm already home! Dropped by at SM Save More to buy  something to eat for tonight... wala munang dinner sa labas, wala na yung partner ko sa kainan ng dinner.. 

Been busy today.. feeling ko rin medyo tanga ako today.. , yung tipong hinayaan ko lang mag mukhang tanga.... or maybrme I'm just too paranoid. hahaha...  there were things na late reaction na ako. Hayst.. 

So was it really a lonely Monday? Well, it could be.. But I went so busy I forget about it.. i forgot to feel cheerful either.. so, it.was neutral... I was fine.

I just hope these friends would remain the same, they might meet new set of friends, but wont forget the old ones.


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