Saturday, August 15, 2009

10 Situations That Irritate Me

  1. When somebody insisted me to do the things I had already refused to….when I say NO, I mean it.
  2. When watching a movie and someone who already watched the movie keep on talking about what will happen next.
  3. When I am being forced to wear an outfit that I’m not comfortable with.
  4. When I’m in the middle of my explanation and I am being interrupted.
  5. When I speak and no one would listen….I rarely talk, so why can’t listen just once
  6. When I’m in a bad mood and I am being annoyed.
  7. When I am unjustly criticized… criticism is fine, just don’t make it vulgar.
  8. When somebody outsmarted me in the way that they would act superior as if I know nothing, don’t brag, I might not say a word but I know a thing too.
  9. When somebody is being so insensitive, but too much sensitivity too can be so irritating sometime.
  10. When I am being approached sarcastically..

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