Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Butterfly Effect

I’ve watched so many movies recently but never had the thought of visiting my multiply and make a review or comment about them, until I’ve got to see “Butterfly Effect” and “Time Traveler’s Wife”.

Butterfly Effect, the title didn’t give me an impression of it as worth watching, saved in one of my officemates shared movies on our network while I ran out of movie choices on our break time.

After getting done of it yesterday, now I could say it was really a nice movie! I thought first it’s just a psychological problem related film, but it’s actually fictional but swear this one make sense! The main cast could travel back to his past and could change everything. He could alter his present situation if he could change something from his past.

Despite the critical failure and negative reviews it earned as what I’ve read on the internet while looking for pictures I could attach in here, still I got the message this movie wanted to portray.

In real life, I was thinking of transporting to my childhood days too and would have to choose different path, who and what would I be right now…? I was filled with “what if” thoughts and that movie just struck my mind. Sometimes I regret my past actions and I would think that my life would have been perfect “if  only” or “if only I had not”—anything from the past. But this movie is answering my life queries that no matter what you did in the past, still life wouldn’t be picture perfect. If you want to see my point, just watch the movie…

And it so coincidental that the movie I’ve seen this morning has similarity to that abovementioned one, “Time Traveler’s Wife”, from its title, you shouldn’t ask why. But the difference is, the main character couldn’t change anything from his yesterdays. And this one made me cry too, haha… yah, I’m not sure if I just wanted to cleanse my eyes that I cry in sad movies or I am really bleeding my heart out.. haha.. I’m exaggerated there!

Anyway, lesson learned? Value time coz time is gold (so new.. hehe).

That’s all!

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