Monday, October 1, 2012

its october 1!!!

And I've done a good job today! yey! but i bleed my head first before finding that out, that was actually simple, but we found it complicated along the way in solving that matter! haha.. and i when i learned it, what I could just say is "ganon lang pala yun??"...

anyway, i can add that to the list saying that I'm not that stupid! not at all... hahaha

that was in the morning... in the afternoon I had another maze to solve.. and i thought I was the doing the right thing in telling a certain person that's he's not doing it right... I know i got my point but it so hard for me to correct people or to tell them "this" and "that", "do this again", "no. not like that" and stuffs like that...i don't know why I would feel that way, I just don't want anyone feel wronged because of me .. if i put my shoes on them, its okay for me to be corrected, but i hate it when somebody would think that i am bragging, that i am "nagmamarunong".... Coz, honestly I am not someone who would blow her own horns just to get credits, I must admit, i hate commiting mistakes..... that's why I rarely take risks, not good I know..

Its not that I don't have a sense of authority, (actually I dont have.. haha) but I just dont want anyone hates me....  you dont have to say it, we cant please everybody! i know well.... hehe

oh my! when will I be confident???!!

so much for this..

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