Monday, April 6, 2015


I don't feel like rising from bed.. I'm still feeling really tired, I feel so much weight in my heart.... but there's so much to do at work today... I'll be fine.

I should be sleeping by now but I must update this first. Asking me how am I today? I was fine. I got busy, I was loaded with work..and watched a movie after work. I forgot that I was tired.. I forgot that I was sad.... I forgot to think of other confusing things... I forgot that I don't even want to look at myself in the mirror because I knew I was looking terrible.... but now I remember them all, haha! ... I'm writing them so they'll be out of my mind once again. I HOPE SO.

Yeah, sometimes I just want to forget everything... I think I am packed with so many unwanted thoughts and I hate it..

Now, my goodnight.

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