Thursday, July 23, 2009

for someone out there

I dont know what’s the name of the person this letter is intended for... but surely it’s for someone out there, it may be absurd, i maybe a crazy fool, but it’s for my soulmate.... I dont want to think that’s he’s existence is like waiting for the snow to fall in Sahara... I may not be anymore a litte girl believing in fairy tales, but I still wish that my prince charming will ever come my way, maybe these thoughts are for hopeless romantics....but I still want to convince my self that one day, I’ll be seeing you, painting my world...

My 25 years of existence is yet to come, havent experienced the love I longed to feel, laugh at me if you want, call me desperate, whatever you want,  sometimes I mock my self for these illusions... but if it’s not you, then better none.

I dont dream of your perfectness, I just want those eyes see me, those smiles that wash away the world’s imperfections, those touch that would kiss away my fears and worries. I just want you to fill the empty space in my heart, that even in a stormy weather, you’ll be my sunshine. I just want you to laugh at my jokes. Ruin my hair, but still appreciates me. Be my strength when I almost lose hope. Carry me when I can no longer walk. Listen to me when my world shutters..

I know youre there somewhere, somehow... I wonder if you ever think of me too? I wish I have an idea where in the world I can find you. A relief when I looked up in the sky every night, watching stars above, hoping you’re watching it too.

You may never come, you may forever lost your way.... maybe the thoughts of watching the stars while holding your hands, exploring the world with you by my side, dry my eyes when its wet with tears, sing with me my song, share with me the memories we never had, love you unconditionally.............will be forever a dream.... I’ll still keep you in my heart..... no matter how long.... no matter how far you are.... I’ll be waiting.... Just feel the wind, I sent my message to them... take care


  1. i was not the one who wrote this... someone's out of her mind here... tsk..tsk..tsk

  2. i realized that i have to set this in confidential mode... no chance my soulmate would read it now... maybe someday..
