Saturday, July 25, 2009

this book

For those worriers out there, I highly recommend this book... actually, this isn’t  mine... my aunt gave it to me when I went back to MSU-main for my review for the board exam, more than two years ago I think... I was really upset and disappointed then, I forgot the reason why, all I can remember is that I dreaded that day... i didn’t even believe that this book would nurse my anxiety that time ( hahaha).... but because I dont want to frustrate her, I put it in my bag..... and now, I can say that this is one of the good books I’ve ever read...

Dale Carnegie is one of the best authors... I can say.. because he wrote such inspiring book... swear! After reading this, it will help you banish your worries and turn your self into a shouting optimist... Dale found out that more than half of our hospital beds are occupied by people with nervous and emotional he came up with this book.

Inside also are the real stories of those different people in how they conquer their worries.

Go! Grab it! Reading this is really fascinating, so easy to apply in real life.. It may not change your whole being, but surely helps to imrove you.. Like what Carnegie said, there’s no need to live with worry and anxiety that keep you from enjoying a full, active and happy life!...

Stop Worrying....

            Slow Down....

                        Enjoy Life!!!

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