Monday, July 27, 2009

the art of being alone

art of being alone? an art? hahaha... i just think so... well, i am literally alone now, in this small room in my boarding house...  doing nothing but this... talking to my self, writing anything here.. and a friend is chatting with me right now... do i love it?? it's okay, if you have money.. but i quit my job and now... who do you expect to finance me?? my parents again... the thought disgusts me, im already 24, I should earn my own living... but they want me too resign too from that previous job of mine..

okay... back to the topic.. alone... you know, my life can be the most boring one.. im alone here, no least im learning now to mingle with the other borders... at least from zero, I  can now count the words I utter verbally...

at first, its independency... total freedom... oopps, but I can say its not total freedom if you're money is limited, you're still not free... I dont want to ask money anymore to my parents so I need to limit my expenses... i' m starting to hate it.. im being stagnant here..  I need to do this blogs inorder not to forget everything i know.... do i know anything?? hehehe.. whatever

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