Saturday, July 25, 2009

read me yes

I’ve read these books consecutively.... and to my astonishment, I discovered that these 3 have similarities... yes! I know that’s not impossible to happen but my point is I’ve read them consecutively... and if you have to judge their covers, you wont expect it thay way... oopps, we’re not supposed to judge book by its cover.. hahaha..

Lets play triple play here, just like the old MTV show..

Those three books deal with mysterious murders, detectives having their trail solving the case and helpless hostages.. Those books show how beautiful photography is, and at the same time can be a really good source of evidence.... They portray false accusation too, made them really exciting.... what you see is sometimes what you dont get.

Finally, those books I wont mind reading until boredom strikes me... if only I wasn’t bored then, I wont found out that these three are worth reading!!..


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