Saturday, November 28, 2009


I have the best parents in the world, but unfortunately they don’t have the best children in the world. The angst I’m feeling right now is brought to me by the situation I just witnessed a while ago. Our eldest brother was sort of blaming my mother for his misfortune and of our other brother (they two actually haven’t finished their schooling, and not going to school is absolutely their choice).  It’s not fair to blame our parents for that, I’m in the deepest mode of anxiety too… and I don’t blame them, of course they’re not perfect but they are still the best, I wont exchange them to other people. If given a chance to return the time and choose parents, I will still choose them… I despised my self for making them feel sometimes that they contribute to my failure, I can’t help it sometimes…. Especially when I have no one to blame… but right now, I’m in a condition where I’m in a state of declaring what is really inside me…. And that’s I truly love my parents, that I’m going to offer my life to them… that I live because of them and live for them… I pray to God that I’m going to be successful so I could dedicate it to them. They don’t deserve this, they are good but being paid with discouragement from their own children. I feel very sorry that I cant even make them proud of me.

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