Wednesday, November 25, 2009


You want to know the purpose of your existence right? Why don’t you go out of your shell.. try getting away,  your fate must be in other place.. see? Your about to rot here.. this is the right opportunity, your family is supporting you.. you wont grow up in here… and everything will happen if it is destined to, whether you’re  here or out there.. and now, you might be  confused whether life is a matter of choice or fate…treat it equally but don’t take it too seriously, you might end up confused all over again…


Hey, your batchmates might earning a lot of money now, Marnelli in Los Angeles, Ermelyn almost circumscribed the Earth, you’re friends and classmates in UAE who are nurses now, and the girl, a civil engineer too in Dubai… and everyone else… now, what do you want to do, just wait for your deterioration?



Go, spread your wings and soar, don’t let your wings just fade in oblivion, you can do it, just trust your self.. if they can do it, you can to…


I saw the starry and the blue and made me wonder where you are, are you looking down at me too? So, I sent a message to the

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