Friday, February 25, 2011

just bored

9:25 am. There are moments when I open my eyes at morning, or I’m on my way for work, or just strolling aimlessly somewhere, riding a jeepney, window shopping and wherevers,  --when thoughts keep on raining on me… and I’d think I would blog this later on. But you know what, when I open my computer, words seem to fade just like bubbles you blow on the wind. Maybe I’m just so busy of many things, physically and mentally, I’d stay at office for almost 11 hours a day, Monday to Saturday, I got so tired that words like disappearing ghost when I’m about to put them into record.

1:05 pm. And now, im just stealing a moment here in office doing this.. but have it posted later on my laptop. I got no internet connection on my computer.


So what? It’s 1:11 pm.. Goodbye lunch break.. my head aches a little from my not so comfortable nap on my table. I was watching Cinderella sister during the break but later on I decided to take my self into slumber but I didn’t make it well..


It’s not that I’m not busy like other times, but I don’t feel like working on this. Finished updating weekly labor cost. Now reviewing my CHB rehashed from basement 6 to 13th floor. Still waiting for Justin of TSG to update me of the elevation of guardhouse and level 14 to 67th   …. And helipad too… I don’t think there’s CHB at helipad..  so erase that.


Maam leneth is absent, she’s not feeling better, her seat is just adjacent to me, she wont be seeing me doing this… hehe… Maam May at my back, but she’s out right now.. maybe having some sort of reckoning meeting with DLS. So this mean, I couldn’t post it for everyone, or else I’m dead. (Exaggerated!)…

4:47pm. Countdown to 5:15…sol asked me what time were going home.. we agreed to that. I left my phone anyway


yah, i did that today! out of boredom maybe.... proof below.

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