Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Yours truly, my mom and my brother just had our trip to Singapore last August. I could say those were just some of the good days in my life, away from work, away from my daily routine, and away from my dull and boring life in Manila (hehe).

But before that short great days took place, I went home to our hometown to celebrate the Eid there, and that was, fortunately, a good excuse in my leave form, I didn’t tell anyone in the office of my plan of going to SG until I went back, (I told just a few of my officemates).

Anyway, time to paint memories now.

We arrived at Changi Airport 8:20pm 23rd of August. My former officemates who work in SG now fetched us in the Airport, tnx to Jeny and Mike! They introduced us to the means of transportation there, it was easy and convenient… train, buses and taxi. I was prepared too, I listed an itinerary with directions as how to get into those places, tnx to gotheresg.com.

I booked a 3-shared private bedroom to Ideal Backpackers Hostel, it wasn’t the classy but still, we we’re comfortable there, the staff are accommodating.

24th of August.

Here are the places we dropped by… Just the three of us, I was lost many times in Manila but not in SG, MRT stations are organized, and as long as I know how to read and ask, you won't get lost.

Breakfast at IMAM Banana Leaf Resto.

Fullerton Hotel.

The Asian Civilization Museum.

Marina Bay/Merlion Park.



Had a great time in Sentosa--Universal Studios.

Stopped by at Vivo City

Some shopping spree in Bugis.

At night, my mom and I went to Mustafa Center, I was actually planning of going there  alone but she insisted to come. Oh, that was the only time we had a problem in going back home because I was not able to search it on the internet and too tired to ask, that was so late then, but still we found our way home.

Here's my tired but at least happy face in one of the stores in Mustafa Center where we bought some souvenirs.

25th of August

My mom and I visited first thing in the morning Arab Street..

China Town’s next.

At Orchard Road—ION and Tangs Plaza.. just had some window shopping, maybe the only thing I hate about SG is the cost of living! But I love the food choices, good for us!.. many eateries that serve Halal foods.

Then we met my brother at Lucky Plaza (he was too lazy to come with us in the morning). There were so many Filipinos there; it’s as if you’re just walking around Manila. I was ashamed when I ordered our meal in one of the resto there, I spoke in English, but they replied in Tagalog! Haha, that happened twice actually.

Garden’s by the Bay-- Cloud Forest and Flower Dome.

Passed by at The Singapore Flyer.. I didn’t take the ride though I really wanted to, blame my mom and my bro who's so afraid of heights! Losers! Haha

Back to the hostel at past 7pm, I wanted to go out to see Marina at night, but my legs was so hurting, I was so exhausted! I ended up sleeping!

26th of August

In the morning, my brother, my mom and I had a strenuous but fulfilling stroll in Singapore Botanic Garden and National Orchid Garden. We did it in “fast forward” manner, we are running out of time.

In the afternoon, we separate ways, Mom and Bro went back to Orchard Road to do some shopping, I met my friend jeny and Mike again… Arleen(former officemate too) couldn’t come. We had a nature tripping in Pulau Ubin. I was hesitant at first in going there, I might miss our flight (12:40am of 27th). Pulau Ubin is an Island we need to cross the sea in about 20mins. Anyway we reached the place, we rented bikes, oh no, just them, what a shame! I forgot how to do it.. nyahha… sorry jen, you need to carry me.. haha..

We saw monkeys in the place, I had a good grip on my bag, they said those monkeys are harmless, but they will sneak around you and grab your things, no not my passport! Haha…

To sum it up! Those were one of the best days of my life!

I hope to see you again SINGAPORE!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Because I did appreciate your greetings on my birthday, I exerted an effort to keep all those stuffs in here. I’m such a keeper, count on me on that.. hehe.. I’ve done this before, open these links if you want some proof – August 9 2010 and August 9 2011.

Anyway.. Thanks to my officemates who surprised me with these…

Maam May, aimee, maam Anna, Jhonard, Mac, James, Maam Lileth and whoever it may concern… Thank you so much.. I owe  them a treat, maybe after the month of ramadhan.

To my boardmates—ate vicks, Jocelyn, Ate Gemma, Kuya Edgar and our new boarder Trish… Thanks for the good laugh.... and to my bro Gary.

My highscool friends.


College friends.

My X officemates and the currents ones.

My childhood friends..

My relatives

My other FaceBook friends..

And those who texted me--- my mom, my sister, my neighbor Ate Vicks and my officemates Lee, Jardine and Allen.

And lastly to the one who almost forgot my birthday (she did forget it actually.. haha), my friend and officemate marj (madam)... thanks to this...

 Once again, thanks for your time! To some, it may not really mean to them, but to me it does. I don’t really celebrate my birthday, I’ve mentioned the reasons on my last year birthday post… and I don’t see getting old deserves a party! Haha, just kidding, I know I must thank God for giving me this life.

Anyway, you guys made August 9 extraordinary, it supposed to be just another usual day to me and I should thank facebook too for reminding the some of you.. hahahah…

No matter what, thanks!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


..just had a walk thru the rain wishing "you" will also be washed away from my system..... 

August 8, 2012

today is the last day of being this age .... tomorrow I'll be so old again.. wahhhhh.. i feel like I'm still on my early twenties... what a late bloomer!

So, what I had today? nothing, just a feeling of guilt coz I didn't report to work today..  blame the bad weather! no typhoon, not even in a low pressure area, its just the "hanging habagat", but the rain is doing it continuously that resulted floods to 90percent of Metro Manila.. Classes to all school levels, government offices and even private sectors were declared suspended yesterday.. but not today, just the schools and selected government agencies..

I was prepared this morning to report for work but the rain poured heavily, means of transportation was tough so I decided not to go..

My neighbor and I had our groceries to the nearby supermarket when the gloomy sky poured its tears to us this afternoon and we make "lusong to the baha"....

Yun lang... tinatamad na ako magkwento ng kung anu ano... heheheh

Good night!