Monday, June 27, 2016

27th of June

Hey, I don't wanna lose my passion in writing, not even busy but I don't know why I struggle for topic when I'm just home... struggle is actually not the right term, coz I'm not even thinking!!

Not bored yet!! Yes, you read it right.. almost a month of being unemployed and still not bothered about it.. (actually, medyo bothered naman, ayoko muna isipin) not even sending my job application for the local offices/agencies here... I'm still enjoying being a nanny to my niece.

Watched finale of Game of Thrones Season 6 Final Episode.. it was a good ending, yung tipong I CAN wait for the next season.... because it could even end that way... coz they've got what they should get...

Unlike The Red Wedding Episode, one of G.O.T seasons finale, yung kase parang natrauma ako sa ending, lam mo yun? Parang walang justice yung ending.

Seasons 6 Final Ending is more of "getting what they deserve"... Jon snow and Sansa won back Winterfell, The Red woman being thrown away for her wrongdoings, Cersei had her revenge but she lost her all her  children, the revelation of Jon Snow's real mother (sya nga ba?), Arya killed the killer of her mother and brother, and  blah blah blah... I'm kinda sleepy na.


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