Wednesday, June 15, 2016

It's Pay Day but Got No Pay Anymore

Yeah, it's supposed to be pay day today but I'm not receiving anything today..  so this is what I get after deciding to quit my job... no work no pay! Haha

But I don't wanna focus on that.. because in return, I don't have to count the few days that I have to return to Manila... You know how I hated that moment I have to leave home.

Maybe in a month or two, I'll get really bored if I don't find a new job... but for now, I don't job seek yet... I'm still enjoying my free time... 

And I don't think if I'll ever get bored when I have to watch over this little cute baby.. my first niece!!

Aside from being a nanny...  I never get to miss a selfie! Haha  (sorry naman.. nawiwili lang ako dun sa app).

And meet my new officemate!

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