Friday, July 28, 2017



I'm stranded
As I wait for the rain to stop
I tried to consume the food I ordered
Facing the glass wall, watching every drop of the rain
I thought of you
I wanted to tell you, I wish you're here
The food doesnt taste good
I think I've ordered the wrong choice,
thinking, I would make a difference... but I'm wrong 
Maybe if you're here I wont mind

yes, it's raining really hard
I wish you knew 
that I want you to remember me when it rains
But I don't think you do..
Been tired today but I was okay...I want you to know
as much as I want to know how were you been doing
Are you tired too? Are you okay?
Oh, I thought the rain had stopped..
I'm about to end this so I could go home before it would pour heavily again..
But I was carried away writing.. 
now I have to wait a little longer...

Pick me up?! will you?
ofcourse you won't..
Don't worry, I'll be home in a while.

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