Thursday, October 22, 2009

for aya

I'm sorry if i was not able to make you happy and proud despite the support and guidance you gave me. I'm sorry for not obeying you sometimes, i guess selflessness is really hard to do. I know there are things you want me to do because it is supposed to be the right one... but there are other things i want to do...

but this i promise you that no matter what happen, i will always consider what you have said and thought me. that someday in my own way, i will repay you.. that i swear to  you, i will make you proud, maybe not now, but i will do my very best to be someone you can be proud of.. i may not do exactly want you want me to be, but i will never do things that I know not appropriate.

youre the BEST FATHER... and feel bad that i cannot give back what you deserve.. maybe not now, but i will do my very best to become a better person. In every step I take, you're always part of me... My success in life, to you I offer... you are the reason why I keep on breathing..

I pray to Allah your health and security.I'll pray to Him to give us more time together, I want you to witness future happening in my life..

Thank you for everything and no one can ever take you're place. you and umi are the best parents in the whole wide world.

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