Friday, October 9, 2009

the stupid doctor

Now I know why people said, if you want to die, then let the CC Regional Hospital serve you. I’ve been hearing about their poor services and now I proved it true. My brother was shot the other night and was rushed to that hospital by my other brothers. When my mom arrived, there were arguments and whatevers... the doctor in charged sucks! Who this doctor thinks she is... the lousiest doctor I’ve ever known. She kept insisting that my brother was no longer in danger and he can go home.. Damn her! After a little cleaning, x-ray and dressing, my brother still bleeding, and she wants us to go home believing there were no serious injuries and other blah blah blahs... in that condition? She sort of insulting my mom when my mom suggested some medical treatment... for her information, my mother is a midwife and working in a hospital too and my other brother is a nurse, so at least they have medical background too....they're not that ignorant! so fine, we have to leave that cursed hospital. We transferred in a private hospital.. my brother undergone an operation, he’s critical! I pray not... but there’s a nerve damaged.... I want to slap this result to that idiot doctor in  CCRC... now, my brother still under observation, I supposed joining the damaged nerve is still vague if it was successful, there’s also a possibility of infection, worst thing would happen is to cut off his leg… hope not..


Back to the stupid doctor who first treated my brother, it’s really sad to know such person exists. Poor and unfortunate people serve by her would just watch their patient die.. somebody teach this doctor some manners and maybe go back to school again…


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