Sunday, October 23, 2011

just let me do some DRAMA here

This is drama, I don’t advise anyone to read this, but you may if you insist to. Hehe

I was feeling tired this past few days, and I doubt because I was loaded or just feeling the toxic in work, actually not, I really can’t figure it out… am I tired of everything in here?

I have an avalanche of random thoughts in my mind at the moment but I just couldn’t blurt them all out here, I don’t know how to start or just put an end to it. I must be crazy. Haha

Life is not like a piece of paper that you could just crumpled and get a new one when made a mistake, but my life is not a scratch paper or something… if only I knew this what I’m going through will happen then I wish I could rewind my life, yeah, I want a life not like this…. (see? this page is tragic! Haha) ---that says it all.

Obviously, a feeling of resentment is painting dark my days, I shouldn’t be, I know.

Don’t tell me not to say those things, I know very well that I’m armoring myself the wrong weapon. This is just my way of letting go my depression.. Write them down so I’ll be fine.

This will pass.

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