Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm On My Way To Forgetting You

You were once a reason why I smile

A reason why my heart throbbed when you’re around

You made me feel like I’m a fool

You puzzled me, but I was happy

Now, you’ve hurt me, how could you?

Like a child sitting on the shore

Throwing stones of pain, hope it will vanish so soon

Like a wonderer who thought the calm sea is friendly

When the truth is, it could drown her if she falls

Yah, you shattered my sweet dream and turned it to a nightmare

And now, I’m so sick of your presence

It’s a torture seeing you

I can’t run away, but to taste the bitterness

I could only pretend everything is fine

Coz soon, I know it will, surely I will

Coz I’m on my way to forgetting you.

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