Sunday, February 22, 2015

22 Feb 15

10:08 am

Good morning Sunday!

Sunday is always my favorite day... But there's irony there.. I think a lot! I'll feel a bit disappointed , then I would ask, how come I'd love Sunday so much???

As soon as I open my eyes, lazy rising up.. I would just grab my phone, open facebook... Sometimes, I would just say, I'll stop facebooking, this is not healthy... Seeing different people's status makes me say these : I wish I was there too!, I wish I have that too, I wish I am loved that way too, I wish I have those kinds of friends too...... blah blah and the sort... you'll see people just right there not even saying hello to you.... duh?? Why would they say so, these are just facebook friends... not really my friends.  Maybe only 10% of these are really my real friends and only 5% knows me well, the rest are just acquaintances.

All right, maybe facebooking is really not healthy..  but the good sides are--

Without it you'll totally like an outcast, you wont know what's going on in the world, ignorance is terrible,

Feeling a little envious is not totally a wreck, you would also have your dreams of wanting something or going somewhere, it could be a motivation. When your directionless, it could give you the idea. Just don't forget what your heart truly desires, don't cover it up with what other people are getting, you think it would be yours too.

And get connected with those 5% good friends of yours.

Now, facebook would be totally unhealthy if  I wont rise from bed and get myself a breakfast! Good morning again!

10:39 pm

I thought I'm gonna write a lot before this day ends.. but I'm just too sleepy.. It's a typical Sunday anyway, Here's my sleepy self in black and white.. Good night!

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