Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Last Day of Feb!

Before the last day of February, here's the last night singing trip at Centerstage Jupiter Makati...

It was nice there, we had fun, I ruined songs.. haha.. we needed it, I needed it, I was feeling stressed....  and it helped somehow...


Late at work. (As if its something I should be proud of hehe)

Work mode. Too silent.. many were absent.. Been repeating the song Photograph by Ed Sheeran as my background music while busy working!.

Now at my fathers hotel room..  after more than a month, glad he's back from his research work at Japan.... I'm envious, he had experienced snow and probably saw Cherry Blossoms too (but surely those trees didn't catch his interest ). That was actually the first thing I asked him, if he saw cherry blossoms?

Thanks to him, I've got Japan yen added on my collection.

Now, just watching the replay of The Walking Dead.

And I need to sleep. Good night!

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