Sunday, February 1, 2015

1st Day of February

How was your first day of February? Mine started with these funny faces.. it's like I couldn't get out of my bed this morning  if I won't do it.. haha.. vain?! I know.. spare me this one, minsan lang naman.. haha.. minsan lang ba? Yah, I heard you! I just want pictures of myself, yes a lot of it, annoying I know but I'm sorry  i cant help it .... because sooner or later, I might look different... like when wrinkles invades my face.. haha

Then accomplished my Sunday task.. a little cleaning, pick and deliver my laundry, cooked something for breakfast, cooked spaghetti, yes and a lot of food tripping.... I was feeling great today I ate a lot... unlike other people, they eat a lot when stressed, depressed and upset... but in my case, I do the otherwise... I can't eat well when I feel bad.

Then had a movie marathon... I started it last night... and because I missed me saying my comments on movies.. not really reviews because I'm no good at criticizing or examining the quality of movies,  just what I do remember about them... here they are,  it would be quick, I'm a little sleepy..... 

John Wick -- it was okay, or maybe I expected too much because its  Keeanu Reeve's, and his other movies are way too extravagant than this... but the dog here, too adorable.

American Sniper -- nice one... but not too nice for me when my QS told me that he found it too much nice.. he overrates it.. haha.. para saken ha!

Equalizer - a saying by Mark Twain at the beginning.. two best things in life are the day you were born and the day you'll know why.. so I got curious how it relates to the movie, and had figured it out.

The Hobbit 3 -- you'll know its real love when it hurts so much???

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes -- surprisingly, I loved it! This is my favorite among the five.. I never expected I would enjoy it... it made me laugh sometimes and find it like " oh my, apes with a gun??? And they could speak??? What a joke" Haha... but I got the message.. sometimes you don't have to look literally on the content of the movie, look deeper. While watching it,   reminded me of this conflict happening now in Mindanao, why did I say so??? Just watch it!

That's my first day of February.. anyway, For some, its the love month... for me??  it's only the second month of the year and will suranother bloody valentine.. hahaha..

and now, I'm really sleepy. GOOD NIGHT!

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