Sunday, February 14, 2016

How to be Single?

How was your heart's day???

As for me, aside from I'am not observing Valentines day, I'am not feeling inlove at all.. haha.. (mukha lang) chos lang!

I had a long day and the pictures above explain how my day was.. I slept over at my friend's place last night... I loved to eat there kase.. haha (parang patay gutom lang kung makikain) feels like haven't eaten for days.. I am so deprived of eating lutong bahay food kase..

I left their place early because I had to meet my friend Dinah at the airport..  while waiting for her, I had my remaining Hongkong Dollars converted to Peso (speaking of Hongkong, my blog about it is so much in pending mode.. sorry!.. ).. Then Din and I met, it was a quick one.. as in Hi! Hello! Goodbye lang because she's in a hurry. She gave me that Australian currency, a post card and a chocolate as pasalubong...

Then after parting ways, I went straight to Glorietta.. I felt really sleepy.. kulang na kulang ata ako sa tulog. Haha..  But I had so much activities today... Paid my credit card bills, My plan, claimed my NSO birth Certificate, stroll at National Bookstore, developed some photos.. and watched a movie.. "How to be single".. --- I had fun watching it..  Ayoko sana manuod today dahil inaantok nga ako tsaka surely madaming magde date.. But I was so,  I didn't care about them... nanuod pa rin ako.. brought too much food inside the cinema.. burger, fries, popcorn and a drink...

Then went home.. washed my uniform and send my other dirty clothes on the nearby laundry shop..

And took a selfie! Spare me this one. Haha

There.. that's how to be single.. honestly, I don't really mind being single at all... I just had a hard time explaining to  people why oh why??? Errr! I know it sucks sometimes to feel that way... I would lie if I'll never felt not worth it or don't deserve a happy ending lovestory.. pero ganon talaga.. not everyone is blessed... pero okay lang naman din ako dun.. I  rather be like that than be with the wrong one...than be with someone else's option... be someone else's "no choice"... or just settle to anyone you met or they'll pair you to... just because you need to.. because everyone's having their love life...  I can't be like that.. swear, I'm not picky ( why would I be choosy when I'm just nobody?)... maybe I'm just hard to find.. I appeared like I'm a monster (don't you think?.. haha)...  coz I'm not really looking for anyone.. If he'll come then Thank God.. If he won't then maybe I wasn't meant to be with anyone...Maybe it's not supposed to be that way, maybe my point of view isn't right... but that's who I am.. and  I only want to be with someone I'm truly inlove with (in a good way)..

So, to the love of my life.. be well always, even you can't find my way. You may never get the chance to know it but I'm always inlove with you... :)

Time to sleep now... dapat kanina pa.

Good night...

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