Monday, February 29, 2016

Skip this Blog. For my eyes only


"Dear you,

Where could you be? Haven't seen you since I came in..I couldn't look at your area. If only you knew how I forced my self to go to work everyday despite me not enjoying almost everything in this project, but because I knew I'll be seeing you.. then I am good.. I'm gonna endure the stress I'll be facing..

You've been around but I didn't succeed looking at you straight in the eye, I'm such a coward! :)... we've crossed our way today many times, we almost bumped at each other when I went out from our department and you're at the door coming in, I've spoken to someone at the other department and you came near us... but still I didn't get the courage to look at you... I've got only 3 months stalking you around :) then I won't be seeing you again.. I'll try my luck tomorrow, I must not waste my limited time... I'm missing you already.

Me. "

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