Wednesday, September 23, 2009

starting to despise my profession


I’m starting to hate my profession… it’s making me feel the regret again… during college days, I used to doubt the course I chose, it’s as if it doesn’t suits me. I can still remember myself uttering that it wasn’t the right choice. But because I have no other option, I didn’t take risk to jump into another course until one day I found my self marching on the graduation day. One of my happiest days and twice the happiness when I passed the board exam. From that moment, I started to appreciate my profession, I became so proud because not everyone was blessed to passed the examination. But just this morning, I felt that my engineering world just shuttered. I inquired in POEA if they have job hiring or any job order for civil engineers, was not even finished asking when suddenly this guy in charged as if slapped me the words.. “civil engineer? Basta babae, walang hiring”, I’ve been aware of thoughts like this from the very start, but I don’t know why his words caused a real big impact to me… I don’t know if it’s the authoritative and affirmative way of declaring it to me or the fixed truth that female civil engineers cant make it?! So if this is the case, they should put up a new curriculum, civil engineering exclusively for men!! After all those years, I’d been to sacrifices and failures, only gone to waste. Darn it! I’m now filled with what if’s and regrets.. I hate the way I’m becoming bitter now, but I’m only trying to relieve my frustration. I still hope that I’ll be performing my profession someday, and I pray that isn’t a false hope.

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