Thursday, May 6, 2010


Then again, I saw this girl, in front of a mirror, wondering, hurting, confused... she thinks that the world is being cruel to her.. but I want to tell her that the world wont give a damn no matter how she'll grumble and break herself into pieces..  I feel so bad  that she thinks that her existence was a mistake, I want her to realize, that was never a mistake.. maybe she's blinded by her fears... I want to give her courage, but she wouldn't accept me, she wouldn't hear me.. I want her to be strong, I want her to face the world with confidence, I want her to see the beauty of the world... but she always has her reasons, her stupid reasons! she must stop putting her self into a melancholic mode, she's actually making her life miserable.... I pity her for not knowing and recognizing her real self... now, the least I can do is just hope and pray..... hope for her to bravely realize what she's been missing and what she must suppose to do...

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