Monday, September 10, 2012

5 things I would like to tell 5 people right now 9.10.2012

1.      Thank you so much.. you’re truly a good friend! If it wasn’t for your help then I maybe lost somewhere.. hehe

2.      I was hesitant in meeting you because I’m still a bit disappointed.. but because “getting even” is not really my kind, and I don’t wanna do the same thing as you did, so I showed up…indeed, our friendship surfaced.. when we talked just like the old days, my “tampo” has fade (a bit-hehe)

3.      I regret that I liked you.. but if only I could stop this stupidity over you, then no second thoughts, I will. Or maybe I have moved on already, its just that I couldn’t think of anything—but you.. can you just get lost?

4.      You can’t fool me! I can be good to you as long as you’re not doing anything against me. I’m not being plastic anyway, coz when I dislike people, I rather stay away.

5.      Are you tired of calling me? I’m sorry I couldn’t answer it. Now, I’m wondering what you were thinking. Are you disappointed in me or you just realized what I’m trying to imply. Take care anyway!

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