Sunday, September 9, 2012

9th of 9th of 2012

Hey… its Sunday and its about to end, I hate Mondays as always..

Anyway, so what we got here today?? Nothing so fascinating as always too but I love Sunday, you know that!

I woke up past 10am, I know that’s kinda late but you’ll forgive me if I’ll tell you that I rise from bed at 5:30 am Monday-Saturday..

I had this picture tripping, no breakfast yet, not even washed and brushed my hair, my teeth as well… hehe.. just wanna show the world how I looked messed up in the morning.. that my brother would tell me this when he saw the pictures.. “ew! Walang ligo, mukhang ang baho mo”.. hahaha

Anyway, so I ate breakfast, oh that’s “brunch” to be specific… then browsed the internet, chat with my sister and my friends, watched online the remaining episodes of walking dead season2 that I haven’t watched.

I just loved Glen!

Later this afternoon, I had a slight headache, so I decided to see the sun for awhile, the sunset coz that's already 5pm when i left my room.. I took my dirty clothes to the nearest laundry shop, bought some fruits and groceries at Save More, just few meters away from us.

And at the moment I’m back to watching the Walking Dead, it’s just a bit annoying the player is loading so sluggish, that’s why I’m doing this blog while waiting…. (sigh).

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