Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bad Day!

I posted on my facebook account this "Bad day! But it will pass anyway"... coz i actually really had a bad one..  today's been hectic.. and i just hate exhausting myself for something I dont really have to do.. if ill quit my job now, i would still be alive... im not even that happy with this current job.. but im not miserable either.. i just just dont know where to go.. or what to do with my profession.

I dont intend to catch anyone's attention for making that post... i just wanna blurt it out so ill be fine or maybe i just wanna know who would care.. but no one really cares.. hahaha... what would i expect.. ive got few good friends... and they are all minding their own business and struggles in life...

Maybe its not also appropriate to paste my rants on a social network... they might be answering me with "who cares?", "so"?, "what now" and the like... hahahaha... yeah, who cares anyway...

But see?? I can sleep well now, i expressed it all..


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