Saturday, January 31, 2015

Let There Be Peace in Mindanao

It's disheartening to know that there are so many who think that All-out-war is the solution to the Mamasapano clash.. Do they even know what all out war means??  The irony is that those who strongly suggesting this to be acted are those who don't even know what's truly going on in Mindanao, those who don't even have the background who they discriminate, .... do they know that this discrimination  contributes to the unresolved conflicts  for decades now?   

If they think Erap won the battle when he implemented the all out war long time ago, if they think that the lives sacrificed during that war are worth it.... then why this bloodbath still existing, like the Mamasapano clash?

I don't know much  either, that's why I have no right to judge and burst my mindless and unhelpful thoughts on the web.. I hope this people will be more cautious and rational in making comments on the internet. By just simply doing that may not resolve the issues, but it will help not to complicate and inflame the conflict.

My heart too is breaking for the 44 SAF members who died on the incident, but not solely to them, please be enlightened that there are also unrecognized others who risked their lives on the said clash. Once again,  my sincerest sympathy to all the victims of this war.

I hope and pray for peace in Mindanao.

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