Thursday, July 8, 2010

a step to give up a dream

9:02PM July 6, 2010

After accepting a job offer yesterday from DATEM, I was called by AL ABBAR ALUMINUM PHILIPPINES. I had asked the caller to remind me as how my application reached them coz I don’t remember at all. He said, I’ve send it through email dated May 23, that’s a lil too long ago right? So don’t blame me I forgot.(of course, I am not that bad to voice it out)   

So, this representative of Al Abbar discussed a lil background of the company, and the position is Dubai based, their main office. Gosh, Dubai!! How I would love to be there. I even told my self that if I would be offered a job from that country (I don’t care about recession lol) I would grab it without hesitation. But now, why do I feel like giving up the possible first step landing into my ideal country?? Whuah.....

So this guy over the phone asked my interest of that likely job offer, of course, it wasn’t sure yet, I need to undergo screening and so on. Then I found my self telling that caller that I had already accepted an offer from other company, that I am glad they consider my application, that maybe sometime I will visit their office, or maybe someday I’ll change my mind. Then he said, okay, just give us a call if you’ll change your mind, then he hanged up.

Now what???....Maybe not now, I want to be part of DATEM first.

(Interruption: Armageddon is on studio 23 right now, the farewell scene between the father and daughter still makes me cry)

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