8:25am. I am heading to my 9am scheduled interview at Datem’s project Discovery Primea in Ayala Aveune, Makati City. Thanks to Google map, I knew where to go. And the very place is not that far from my previous company, only that I go left after reaching the intersection of Makati Avenue and Ayala Avenue (that’s going EDSA where my x-job, to the right, going Gil Puyat).
The only problem is, I don’t know which jeepney that would go that way or if there will be one. So same routine, I took the jeepney that I used to ride when I had my job , but I just asked the driver to drop me at the intersection of the two main avenues (loading and unloading in the Ayala avenue is very strict).
Five minutes before 9am when my feet brought me to Ayala Av proper. Oh no.I’m going to be late!! I guess, the exact location of the project site from the intersection of Ayala and Makati Avenue is approximately 80 meters but due to crossing through underpass and another underpass and another underpass again, quadrupled the distance!! Looking for their entrance was also time consuming. 9:15 was the exact time I got to their office. Good thing, the project manager wasn’t there when I arrived. After 10 minutes of waiting, I had the interview.
The next thing I knew is I am hired!!!( If they wont change their mind). Then the project manager instructed me to go back to their head office at Mindanao Avenue, Quezon City. And finally I found the easiest and most accessible way, not a single underpass I went through.
I didn’t go straight to their main Office at Mindanao Avenue, instead I went back to my apartment just to get my beloved umbrella. Yes, you read it right, just for my umbrella I purchased for only 50 pesos when I got stranded at Guadalupe one day due to heavy rain. That umbrella had saved me many times from the heat of the sun there in Quezon City. I think that way from Mindanao Avenue to Tandang Sora, QC is next to a desert.
I reached Trinoma mall (the establishment that will welcome you from MRT’s last station North Avenue) at about 11:30 am. I ate my lunch first at KFC, finally I tasted Rod BBQ chicken (hindi naman pala masarap!).
After eating, I went straight to Power Books, just to kill the time while offices are having their Lunch breaks. That bookstore is my favorite spot in every mall, I can read and freely scan books there without buying (lol).
After an hour, I left Trinoma mall, and that time my umbrella saved me from the rain.. (I love you payong!).
Human Resources Department of DATEM is at 5th floor and I met an applicant when I got there. We had a small talk before the HR representative discussed me of the nature and the requirements needed for this employment. Anyway, I wished that applicant I talked with will be hired too. It’s a wonderful thing when you’re not the only newbie in a company to avoid being out of placed. ;)
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