Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thoughts in Random

The hardest crisis in life is knowing that you don't know what you really want in life... when confusing thoughts strike you, you feel like you're about to break your sanity.. you just want to disappear and wish you know what to do the moment you get back in reality..

Everything is not easy, once you get something you thought would make you  happy but ends up still unsatisfied, you feel so oblivious. Random thoughts will drown you unless you resist.

You wished somebody must save you, you wait but end up in vain. The truth is, you're the only one to resolve this, to pick up the broken pieces of your life. Got no choice but stand again, face the world and have no option but  live... whether in miserable or glorious way....

 Life's quest for its sense is never ending until the very last drop of your breath....

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