Sunday, January 8, 2012

No title but Dear Diary

i dont know.

i wanted to write but i'm being impatient. If only the thoughts in my mind would automatically pour on here then that would be easier.. words seem to run away though thoughts are flooding in my mind... i hope you could comprehend with what i am trying to imply. err..

swear i would love to blog right now, but my idleness is overpowering me telling me that its only a waste of time, that i better rest my self for its already 8:19 here.

i was reading scarlet's walk blog about the resaon behind her singleness, and take it from someone who thought could relate (that's me) i suddenly wanted to do same thing--- post the reason why am i single as well.. hahahaha... (honestly, im not sure why.. haha)

i want to edit my previous blogs and post some pictures but that would mean i would shift to my own laptop (im using my brother's) but im being indolent here.

that's it.