Sunday, January 15, 2012


As I grow old and have to get along with people—which I’m not really good at, I’m learning their ways. And people are naturally having a bad side I guess and I’m here to give samples of those people I knew who are not just simply mean but above it. I’m your spy now, reporting!

But ofcourse, no name mentioning, hahaha, I’m still protecting their identity, see? I’m not that cruel huh and don’t bother asking why I’m jotting this down.

There are people who wouldn’t be happy if you’re happy, they will destruct you, even find ways to hinder you reach your dreams. I don’t know, why can’t they mind their own businesses. Maybe the logic is like this.. They couldn’t get a  good life, so they wont let you get a good one as well. Am I describing crab mentality here?

Some people will always criticize you, they will only see your mistakes, they would die first before they give you compliments.

You will never be right and they couldn’t be wrong. This kind of people annoys me so much, they won’t admit their mistakes while they will make you feel so stupid for your simple misdoings.

Plastic! They’re unpredictable, they backstabbed others and you thought you’re good, but when you’re not around, you’re the subject for a firing squad.

Super goody! Feeling soooo perfect when they’re not.


Heartbreakers-- people who will make you feel important when they don’t actually mean it. Those who wouldn’t give a damn that they’re already breaking your heart. I wonder if they’d taste sweetness when they see you hurting…

Unjust people, I’m referring to those in  higher positions, those who only see and recognize subordinates in not so fair manners. They judge people wrongly, they deal only to those they wanna get along with, only sees specific people and criticize those they disliked, gives you what you don’t deserve and would never consider chances.

And the one that frustrates me a lot? Those people whom you thought your friends, those who will leave you behind, those who will only remember you when they needed something from you. Those who’s so insensitive enough to consider your feelings.

And the like….. so many mean people in the world right? And yes maybe I’m not aware that I’m one of them, ofcourse I don’t wanna be like them! If I am, then surely I’m not that worst. As I’ve said, every human has negative attitudes. But if there will only be two choices left--- good or bad, then maybe I still belong to the former.

Why am I saying this? Because I want to convince myself that wherever I go, I will meet people like I’ve mentioned above, running away isn’t a solution but accepting their existence and learn how to deal with them. I want to tell myself to be strong enough for whatever those bad people would cause me.

Hey bad people, get yourself a good grasp coz there’s no way you’ll going to tear me, I wont let you mess around my life!!!!

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