Sunday, January 15, 2012


I don’t know if this is exactly what I want, or maybe I’m just too blind to see… I’m not happy, but not that miserable as well. I know it’s only me, I’m a having a battle with myself. Sometimes I thought I knew what to do but I ended up doing nothing. I’m running out of courage, my weakness is cloaking me, damn, I can’t move on! I play safe, but I still break my heart. I’m not growing up, just growing old, and it distresses me. Regrets happen in every ending of a decision, but in my case I regret now, coz I couldn’t even come up a resolution. What’s wrong with me?

 I’m dreaming, I’m wishing and I’m hoping and I think I’m crying my heart out coz I know those are not the way to reach the pedestals of my desired happiness, I need to make a move, I need to do something. If I don’t take chances then nothing will change, I will be stuck.

O somebody tell me what I can do to have that guts for me to realize the right things to do. I want a LIFE!

I’m praying.

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