Monday, February 6, 2012


I was on leave today, I claimed my PRC ID. And I think I need a break too.

 This dress I was wearing was my mom’s choice, I’m not that really feminine type but if I wont wear this, then it will only be rotten on my closet. I can’t even wear it during our wash day in the office, they’ll surely gonna tease me, they’re not used to see me being so girly girly, not to mention we are on a construction site. See? I couldn't even make a good pose.. haha

After getting my ID, I headed to SM Manila but I didn’t stay there for longer hours. Back home, watched movie and food tripped.

And let me post this scratch pictures..

Back to work again tomorrow! Wish me luck..


  1. wow! ano yan? strawberry and chocolate? sushal!

  2. ahaha... yah strawberries and brownies unlimited...
