Friday, July 6, 2012

Five things I would want to say to five different people right now

1.       I don’t know whether I should feel overwhelmed or insulted with what you been acting.. Of course I know that you don’t intend to make me feel bad, you’re actually trying to lift my confidence up as you indirectly said so. Thank you, it’s just that at some corner of my mind, I am wondering if I am doing things so wrong that you need to push me up. You said, I’m doing great, you’re exaggerating it, that’s why I doubted it… but thank you though, I mean it!


2.       I was trying to make things even for us because you once outsmarted me. But at that point I had the chance to do so, my kindness overpowered me. Okay fine! Hands down…


3.       I’m sorry if I’m being so careless sometimes, I hope you understand that I am not perfect, that everybody commits mistakes too and I’m no exempted to that.


4.       Hey, I don’t want to, but I hate you I do. I’m sorry but I really really hate you right now. I wish I could slap those words to your face! You’re such a damn user, you’re an insensitive lousy fool! But despite everything you’ve done, I’m still on my way to forgiving you, even if you’re not asking for it…. But swear, I’ll never forget!


5.       You’ll be fine… never let anyone make you feel bad, no one has the right to do so unless you permits them.. Don’t be insecure, you are beautiful and that’s more than enough! You must not need anyone to cheer you up, you must be independent…. SMILE NOW!

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