Sunday, July 1, 2012

^__^ -- at 1st day of July

 July 1! I don’t know why I’m being baffled with this day, could it be because it’s nearing August?? And that’s my birth month…. Whatever! Maybe I should look for Peter Pan and ask him to take me to Neverlands… and I do believe in fairies… hehe

So, where was I today? Well, I spent the whole morning in my room… I had a Samurai X marathon, I just loved it! I love Kenjin Himura…

and in the afternoon, my brother and I went to Glorietta to watch the Spiderman… Honestly, I was bored with it, so many dull moments.. I still go for Tobey Maguire!

And I’ve met an old friend too, Rohannie.

This is how yours truly looked like today..

And this my brother asking me to take his picture at this very spot—Makati Ave., in front of Ayala Museum.

So, that’s it..

Good night for now!

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