Sunday, July 15, 2012


Its already 8pm right now and I’m in another random thoughts.

I think I’m going to have a tonsillitis, I’ve felt it already last night. And today, I just had so many sweets, a starbucks choco chip Frap and a pack of Brownies Unlimited, I just can’t help it, I love em.

I went out today to look for something, a gift maybe for someone. But so unfortunately fortunate that I found myself shopping! Blame that on the On-going sale in SM Manila. Anyway, that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong in giving myself a treat sometimes, right?.. yeah, right.

Anyway, Ramadhan is about to come, I need to calm myself, I need to be fine. I know, it would be hard especially I’m expecting to get hurt—that I should not, actually I’m already hurting, but the worst is about to come… I have a feeling it will, I don’t want it to come, but I need to prepare myself, I must get myself in place… hahaha… (drama nanaman ako, hehe).. enough!!!!

Hey dear diary, I have something I’m not telling you yet, yah I know I should be telling you, in time you’ll know.. hehe, I hope that one will come into reality…. I hope and pray for that.

What else? Maybe that’s all for now. ;)

Here's yours truly at this very moment..



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