Monday, July 2, 2012

How many LAST LETTER shall I make to get over it?? hahaha

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I wish I won’t see you forever, if only I could erase you in my system, then I should have done that long time ago.. Now, I hate myself for being so defenseless, how could you??! I don’t deserve be hurt by you.. that’s why I won’t let you.. no more stupid songs for you, no I will never shed a tear for you, never again! I was stupid I know, but its over now! Get lost!!!"

--the mad side of me—

"Woah! That’s so mad of me.. hehe.. actually I don’t want to write those things, that’s humiliating, but I can’t help myself… I’m sorry I freaked out, I’m only releasing what’s inside me right now before it burst out to tears, but as I’ve said, no more tears for you.. and I’ll be fine, don’t worry, oh, I don’t think you give a damn to worry."

" Anyway, I’ve already screamed out my anger. And to whom that letter is concern, don’t listen to my mad self..  Maybe it wasn’t really your fault, I didn’t get rid of you after you’ve hurt me once, i just want to spend few moments with you because sooner or later we will part ways. And you know what, you’re just one of the reason why I am staying. See? I can be blame too, coz I let stupid things to happen, I let myself fall, and this is the consequence I’m facing. I was just too foolish believing somehow I mean to you when I’m really not. I thought I have guarded my heart firmly, but I was wrong. "

"But despite this , I know I’m gonna be alright. I tolerated this, so I'll be on my own fix it.. For sure I can!"

--the trying-to-be-calm side of me--


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