Saturday, November 2, 2013

This is my November --- 2

Back to blogging? Thanks to the Holidays..

Anyway, nothing so special for this day, I didn't go out,  just at the nearby Grocery Store to buy something for dinner. And another movie marathon.

If I had shed so many tears yesterday for the movies I've watched, I shifted to something not so dramatic. Today I set for sci fi/thriller/action and the like type of movie.

Azooma - a Korean movie, a story of a mother who sought justice for her daughter. It was fine, but I didn't really have fun watching it.

The Colony - "When the Earth Froze, the rules of survival changed forever". Yun na yun, ayoko na mag-explain.. dahil di ko maexplain! haha.. But this one is my favourite for today!

Hummingbird - its nice.

Sorry, I'm a bit speechless in describing them.. But what matters is that these movies saved me from boredom... Don't misunderstood me, I just love the holidays! I would love to have an holiday forever! chos! who cares anyway??..haha

Walang kwenta yung blog ko ngayon. alam ko.

Good night! ;)

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